Friday, November 14, 2008

Love Is The Tie That Binds

I can't believe it's taken me this long to get back to my blog! I write all the time - either by computer, on paper or in my head! But sometimes things just don't fall together to be able to help others understand what is in my heart.

I am really passionate about this subject. I have recently been studying and meditating about love - the love of God, the love of God invested in us at the new birth - and I, more and more, can see how love affects the big picture. Creflo Dollar says it this way: love is the curtain rod on which everything else hangs. In other words, where the love is lacking, not much success will be realized in the things of God.

When you look at 1 Corinthians, you see that the definition of love includes these elements:

  • It endures long and is patient and kind
  • It is never envious nor does it boil over with jealousy
  • It is not full of itself or bigheaded
  • It does not display itself arrogantly
  • It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride)
  • It is not rude (disrespectful)
  • It does not act improperly or inappropriately
  • It does not insist on its own rights or its own way
  • It is not self-seeking
  • It is not touchy, fretful or resentful
  • It does not keep scores of the evil done to it [pays not attention to a suffered wrong]
  • It does not rejoice at injustice or unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail
  • It bears up under anything and everything that comes
  • It is ever ready to believe the best of every person
  • Its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances
  • It endures everything [without weakening]
  • It NEVER fails
We have to make a decision every day to walk in love, because it is totally the opposite of "looking out for number one," which seems to be an anthem of many outside the Church walls, and unfortunately, we see it some inside the Church also. But, in our local Body, I am seeing more and more that believers are walking these things out and seeing big changes. As we walk in love, we begin to see the whole of God's plan more. We see less of how people may be treating us wrong, and develop more compassion for those people because we realized they are deceived. We also see more unity in the Body of Christ, which is what this end-time army has to have to operate at optimum levels to carry out God's plan on the earth.

Anyway, more coming on this subject. I don't want to write a dissertation for anyone to rad . . . at least not all at once! :)

1 comment:

  1. The greatest is love. It's the key ingredient that makes all the other things like faith and power work right. I agree, in our body we are grasping this more than ever before. May we continue to speak the truth in love and grow up in Him in all things...
