Friday, January 30, 2009

A birthday

Well, if you don't already know, Saturday is Jordan's birthday! So in honor of the occasion, Lauren and I dug out some old photos.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Everyday with the Lord

You know, I have been meditating and pondering the class last Thursday that Marty Blackwelder taught on living in the presence of God. I don't know if that was the actual title, but those of you who were there know what I mean.

That was such a special message. Darlene and I sat in my kitchen the next day and talked about it. We talked about how personal the Lord is. She got so excited when she listened to the message at the prospect of living that way. For me, it was a very gentle and intimate thing. I know that the Lord wants to have such an intimate relationship with us, and when Brother Marty preached that message, (like I told Dar) my heart was so very overwhelmed, I just started to cry. I couldn't hold it back! I told her that if he had not closed when he did, I could feel audible sobbing coming! My heart was just so tender to this.

Anyway, it has stirred my heart to just be alone with the Lord. Just to love on Him and spend time in His presence for no reason except just to be with Him.

I guess that's all I have to say. Amazing huh? :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Right action, wrong action . . .

Well, here I am, for those of you who wondered if I would ever post again! I do love writing, but sometimes life is so full in the living of it that writing about it does not take priority!

But I digress from the subject on my heart, which is, God is doing so much work in me, it is exciting to me! I love reading the Word, but I also love reading books about the Word that comes from the experience of others in the Body of Christ that I respect. I love to hear what God has revealed to them and sometimes I get such an explosive rhema word as I am reading! That has happened to me lately with a book by Mark Hankins.

When I first bought the book, I started reading it and it really didn't hit the spot at the time. But I picked it back up recently and wow! He goes into great detail about corresponding actions to faith (which is also what PK has been teaching about lately) and I got such a clear picture of something.

A couple of years ago, we were in one of the biggest battles of our life, during which time, my brother went to heaven, so it was tough. I was very careful at that time to not talk about the problem. I mean, I was standing firm, and even avoided people (especially at work) that tended to be negative. I firmly closed my mouth and was faithful to not say the wrong thing. However, the thing did not turn out the way I expected. You see, the part I missed was opening my mouth to say the right thing. I did not understand the part about the corresponding action to my faith. I burned up so much energy trying to keep my mouth closed!

So, God got us through it, and put us in a better spot! And He has taught us more, and praise God, we won't ever go through something like that again! I will not let intimidation have a foothold in my life! I am going forward and I am not looking back!