Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Everyday with the Lord

You know, I have been meditating and pondering the class last Thursday that Marty Blackwelder taught on living in the presence of God. I don't know if that was the actual title, but those of you who were there know what I mean.

That was such a special message. Darlene and I sat in my kitchen the next day and talked about it. We talked about how personal the Lord is. She got so excited when she listened to the message at the prospect of living that way. For me, it was a very gentle and intimate thing. I know that the Lord wants to have such an intimate relationship with us, and when Brother Marty preached that message, (like I told Dar) my heart was so very overwhelmed, I just started to cry. I couldn't hold it back! I told her that if he had not closed when he did, I could feel audible sobbing coming! My heart was just so tender to this.

Anyway, it has stirred my heart to just be alone with the Lord. Just to love on Him and spend time in His presence for no reason except just to be with Him.

I guess that's all I have to say. Amazing huh? :)


  1. I know what you mean! That was SO good...I just want to spend more time with Him, learn more about Him, know Him's like Paul said in Phil. 3:10 - my determined purpose is that I would know Him more...

  2. Yes! And to know as we go every day even when we are not alone, we can be aware of Him and commune with him constantly!

  3. I honestly think that is one of the best messages I have ever heard him minister. He put into words things I have wanted to say to our music ministry team. I think I should show it at a 'rehearsal' sometime. I love your heart Staci. You are so tender and precious. Isn't God good to give us such good teaching so He can love on us and we can love on Him?

  4. That was a great message! I was so excited - exhilerated in fact to hear the words "you can position your heart" with the Word of God coming out of your mouth. Conversely, you can get it out of position with negative garbage coming out. Like Pastor Kevin recently pointed out, "fear is faith in the wrong thing"! The Word tells us that the issues of life come out of our hearts and we must guard our hearts. What better way to do it than to line them up BY aligning them! Direct our heart by directing it. Position it by positioning it! Increasing for the increase! I so love God's Word! My passion for words is a trait I inherited when I was REcreated in Christ to AGAIN resemble my Heavenly Father! Staci, you are a treasure and a gift to me from God!

  5. PS - I think it would be a wonderful way to spend a practice. I think I am getting the CD so I can have it forever in my library when I need to stoke up my passion!

    Dar - I love your heart and your diligence to the Word and applying it to your life! You are pretty special to me also!

    Both of you ladies are!

  6. Correction - you ALL three are!
