Saturday, August 29, 2009

How's Your Circulation? 1 John 1:7 (message)

That scripture says, "But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son, purges all our sin."

Well, I was listening to Mark Hankins again today (I am ON that series right now!), and he talked about the Body of Christ and how as a body, we have to be ASSEMBLED. When we are assembled, as in fellowship with one another, the Blood of Jesus circulates through the body, bringing life to one another. We are all different and we all have something that the Body needs. When we are not in our place, the Body suffers (whether we want to believe we are that relevant or not, it is true).

Don't you think that is why the devil tries so hard to bring offense? IF WE LET HIM bring that offense, it will cut off the blood flow to that part of the body, like a tournaquet, and it will die. Don't just check those offenses at the door, get rid of them! They will kill you!

We have to look outside ourselves at all times - just like Pastor Kevin taught last Sunday. Whenever we start looking to fulfill a corporate vision, God will fulfill your vision. And when we look inside and get selfish, offense is a lot more likely to come!

OK, I'm done for now!


  1. Once again - well said!! That is so true. They best thing for any of us is to get so focused on reaching the world that everything else pales in comparison.

  2. It's getting bigger and bigger inside all of us isn't it? The vision, I mean. It's oozing out all over the place.
